Conversations of a Generation

  • "People always talk for us and about us but never in collaboration with us. This book is different. It acknowledges that our generation is capable of much more than society gives us credit for. Rather than adults narrating our voices, we've done that on our own terms with adults as allies."

    - Evamelo Oleita, writer

  • "This documents culture, time, and place. We are invited to view people's lives from the outside and 'on location' – a little out of place and a little unexpected."

    - Randy Bruder, book designer

  • "No one can see the things you're hiding, only what you show them. This is not a "best foot forward" approach. Instead, these voices are real and raw, originating on an online platform and transformed into a book."

    - Sydney S. Bercume, writer

  • "The flow changes pace with moments of deep reflection scattered through lighthearted, insightful, and wholesome conversation. I feel like I grow and expand my mind in some way each time I pick it up."

    - Tyler Parlor, content assembler

  • "The conversations I read through were full of energy. Each message had a beep attached to it, popping and wiggling in front of me, like a slew of text messages projected onto a book."

    - Michi, writer

  • "As a reader, there is a vulnerability that stems from the individuals involved in the exchange as well as the trust placed in me to observe that exchange."

    - Timothy Raymond Page Jr, writer

  • "I loved that during this experience, there was no pressure except to do my best."

    - Surabhi Prasad, writer

  • "Older generations assume they understand us, but they have no idea. We are the first generation to grow up completely surrounded by technology and it shapes how we see the world. I think it’s really cool to see so many voices compiled into one comprehensive book that helps others get it in a comfortable and relatable way."

    - Kennedy Boyd, advisor

  • "This book should exist in the library that I work at under 361.109 in the nonfiction section. It might not be checked out much since my city has an average age of 49-years but if it was, it would help people understand my generation."

    - Dominic Monacelli, writer

  • "I imagine this book on my bookshelf, something that I can look back on when I’m older and remember what it was like to be a teenager during this time. I can really see myself reminiscing 30 years from now."

    - Chloe Baloh, advisor

  • "This is a snapshot of what this generation felt during 2020, an accurate representation, full of diversity, during a crazy time."

    - Akhila Mullapudi, editorial intern

Z to Z: Conversations of a Generation is a visual compilation of assembled conversations between Generation Z teens collected in 2020. Although anchored by the early months of the pandemic, pre-vaccine, it is much more. With heightened awareness, teens show up powerfully, revealing details of their overall lives around ten shared themes. This book moves through topics like mental health and identity to creativity and knowledge. Each section is introduced by a teen writer who prepares you for the conversations between their peers while doodles generated by young artists and photos submitted by contributors bring the book to life. Although led by a multi-generational team, teens drove the content and the tone establishing their own rules of ‘we over I’ and ‘quality over quantity.’

What it is.

This is an extraordinary living history of what it meant to be a teen during an extraordinary time. Decades from now, we will look back with curiosity at the pandemic and the personal accounts of peoples’ lived experiences. Young people are rarely amplified as significant socio-cultural contributors. This book changes that. It also prototypes a different outcome for philanthropic work. Z to Z, funded by the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation, is a byproduct of an earlier grant initiative. Rather than limiting the work to a specific time, geography, and audience, its substance is transformed into a book with broader reach, purpose, and longevity.

Why it matters.



18-months, 2022-2024


1,012 Gen Z contributors


Western New York & Southeast Michigan


40+ people including Good Done Daily (book and cover design); Hyperakt (creative direction); Mountain to Sea Indexing (book index); Andora Graphics (book printing and binding); multi-generational publishing team


Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation


Last Supper Table