Women of Banglatown

  • "It's an honor and a privilege to be a part of envisioning the future together. I am really excited to help create a space where women can come together to feel supported, empowered, and connected to their community."

    - Tasfia, Youth Advisory Council, age 13

  • "Participating in this process feels validating. It validates our identities, our ideas, and our aspirations."

    - Salma Ali, Youth Advisory Co-Chair & Board Member

  • "What a critical learning process for me. It was the first time designing for the people rather than for the space. I can say this is definitely the better approach, and in so many ways, so simple. You don’t often see projects centralized on people of color and minority immigrants. Times are changing and we are breaking standards one at a time for the better."

    - Zannatun Alim, Design Resident

  • "I want the entrance to get a view of everything so everything can be accessible and everyone can be welcomed."

    - Gehan, Member, age 20

  • "The outdoor space is the main focus. I want it to "make a statement" and the middle space to be a patio area and garden. I imagine one large communal space, a private prayer room, nearby bathrooms, and two trees for a hammock."

    - Iffat, Youth Advisory Council, age 15

  • "In a lot of urban areas, there's more building than nature which makes the air feel a bit icky. The gardens we are designing around our building makes it relaxing and calm. We can breathe fresh air and smell the flowers."

    - Tanisha, Member, age 12

  • "It was exciting to be a part of something that is so intentionally designed by the end-user. The process of translating the girls' ideas and drawings into a buildable structure was educational and fun."

    - Magdalene Kuhns, Design Resident

  • "I am very excited to be a part of this because I get to see the whole process of building and learn from it!"

    - Atkia, Member, age 17

  • "I can't wait for the things to come. It truly feels amazing to be a part of the process and I'm so excited for what the future looks like for us. I know, whatever it is, it's going to be great!"

    - Nazifa, Youth Advisory Council, Age age 15

  • "It feels very empowering and inspirational to be a part of something so beautiful. To know that what we do now will be integrated in the future of our organization and the future of the women involved."

    - Gehan, Member, age 20

  • "Spaces designed by girls and women are important. I want a space where you can talk to your friends and teachers about stuff like you can at home with your mom, or sister, or aunts. Also, I think it's especially important for the older women to have feminine products, snacks, and comforting pillows or stuffed animals for that time of the month."

    - Tanisha, Member, age 12

  • "It feels really great to plan something new and I feel that a lot of the members will love it."

    - Sanzeda, Youth Advisory Council, age 16

  • "After months of design, presenting to the girls was a moment of joy. It was so rewarding to see their excitement at having a permanent space to call their own. It is so great to see them share their own design input. They know they have a voice within this project."

    - Amina Ahmed, Design Resident

Women of Banglatown is a community arts organization that provides a supportive, culturally-sensitive, and inclusive space for first generation and immigrant girls and young women from the Banglatown neighborhood of Detroit and Hamtramck. In 2021, after purchasing three vacant lots from the Detroit Land Bank, a member-led participatory design initiative kicked-off to build the organization’s future homebase. After a series of field trips and workshops, the design vision was clear: create a safe and meaningful private space for members nestled within a welcoming public space for families and neighbors. Developed in two phases, the first phase, funded and initiated in 2023, is a neighborhood park; the second phase is the organization’s headquarters housing programs, classes, events, and offices. Fundraising for phase two will begin in 2024.

What it is.

Over its ten-year history, Women of Banglatown has been hosted and housed in evolving spaces from a neighborhood alley to a residential garage to a leased commercial space. After the pandemic forced the doors shut, the effort to find a home shifted to one of ownership, both financially and culturally. This project places girls and women, ages 10-26 years, at the center of this process to influence, direct, and own the space that will house them, their sisters, and friends in the future. It is rare to have intentional space dedicated to girls and women, it is more rare for that space to be imagined into reality by girls and women. All of this is even more significant in an enclave that comprises the largest percentage of immigrants in the state of Michigan with historical growth of the Bangladeshi and Yemeni communities.

Why it matters.



2021 - Present


100 immigrant and first-gen girls and women


Banglatown, Detroit


15+ people: Ali Lapetina (Executive Director); Members and Youth Advisory Committee (various); Zannatun Alim, Magdalene Kuhns, and Amina Ahmed (Design Residents)


Women of Banglatown


$75,000 first phase

  • "Women of Banglatown’s home base is a space by and for first generation and immigrant girls and young women to be unapologetically who they are and explore themselves through nature, art, entrepreneurship and community."

    - The Kresge Foundation


Ali Sandifer


Generator Z