
  • "My hair product is an experience and an extension of my salon. The support allowed me to contract with a chemist and purchase my first round of ingredients. This was a grant that actually did what it said. We were gobsmacked. NEIdeas went out of its way to choose businesses straight out of the community."

    - Nefertiti Harris, Textures by Nefertiti

  • "NEIdeas was one of my first lessons in manifesting growth. The process was simple, straightforward, and powerful. It showed me that even a small bit of capital can have a huge impact on a small business. I felt the care of a community that wanted to invest in our success."

    - Meiko Krishok, Guerilla Food

  • "This was the best time spent working on my business and not in my business. I thought winning was a long shot and when it happened, I knew it was God at work! I was determined to succeed at my proposed vision."

    - Joe Spencer, Louisiana Creole Gumbo

  • "The networking was phenomenal. NEIdeas gave us a platform to stand on. Even if you don't win, you learn a lot about your business. It's wide open to where we can go next."

    - Ron Watters, One Custom City

  • "We're able to dream a lot bigger now."

    - Gernajh Surles, Gleeor, Inc.

  • "This grant helped us redo the facade of the office. Changing what you have can inspire others around you to do something great with what they have. I now hope to spark something with other business owners on my block."

    - Blake Livingston, Livingston Family Dentistry

From barber shops to urban farms to laundromats and more, NEIdeas: Rewarding Ideas for Business Growth centralized and celebrated existing small businesses. A straight-forward application – supported by marketing in five languages and a network of over 30 trained small business ambassadors – invited entrepreneurs to step out of their everyday routines to answer a simple question on paper or online: “What is your idea for growth?” Annually, 30 businesses across Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park received $10,000 in cash awards; two received $100,000; and all applicants were offered technical support to maintain and strengthen them in the neighborhoods that needed them most.

What it is.

NEIdeas worked to create opportunity for neighborhood businesses historically disconnected and locked out of resources. It broke the perception that support was only available for start-ups downtown by giving dollars directly to the ‘been-ups’ that survive and thrive throughout the city. In its inaugural year, 100 businesses were expected to apply and over 600 applications were submitted. Time and trust surfaced more businesses each year. Award recipients were spread across all 139 square miles of the city and ranged in age from three to 93 years in business with 74% minority-ownership and 64% women-ownership, reflecting Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park. For so many, NEIdeas was the first time small businesses were recognized for the neighborhood anchors and heroes they are.

Why it matters.



3 years, 2013-2016


96 neighborhood entrepreneurs; 30 small business support ambassadors


Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park, Michigan


45+ people including Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (administration); Projects and People (outreach and engagement); Lovio-George (brand identity, marketing, and PR); Good Done Daily and Who’s That (brand application); Three Words and Ali Lapetina (visual storytelling)


New Economy Initiative


$1.5 Million: $500,000/year

  • "Doing business in Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck has been no picnic for the past 60 years. But perhaps NEIdeas can catalyze some growth in the neighborhoods, one job — or a few dozen pierogi — at a time."

    - Detroit Free Press


Generator Z


4th Floor